Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes Review: Is This Enough?
Metal Gear Solid has always seemed like an impenetrable fortress of convoluted plot points and over complicated gameplay that seemed like too much work and effort to even try to get into with un-knowable amounts of success and enjoyment. But now with the start of a new generation I decided to give the famed series a go and wow have I ignorantly missed an amazing experience for the past gaming years of my life. This game takes place after the events of MGS Peace Walker and stars Big Boss/Snake as he infiltrates a very harsh military camp to rescues two agents that have been captured. That is the bare bones of the main story and for the veteran MGS player there is a lot more story depth and lore connections to be found but for a new comer, such as myself, the story is a good and simple first step into the elaborate world of MGS. Putting you into the shoes of a badass legend with little explanation needed but what is there is enough to intrigue and really pull me into the events...