
Showing posts from December, 2014

Lee Evans Monsters Review: Hahahaha

The summer holidays are over and it’s back to the humdrum routine of work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, and so on. Thankfully though there is always something out there to help ease the pain and lighten up your week. And in this case I received a real shot in the arm of up lifting and generally happy thoughts from the laughter filled night I had watching the legendary Lee Evans live at Capital FM Arena. I have always been a big fan of this comedic genius that in the past has left me curled up in a ball in agony from laughter at the side shattering stand up routines of his I have seen on TV. So I was more than excited to see this performer of pure hilarity live on a stage before me and he definitely did not disappoint. Every single section of the comedians set was almost surgically on point with a precise rhythm of comedy where every joke received at minimum an arena shaking laugh from the entire audience and at maximum tears of joy from the hysterically laughing and clappi...