Pixels Review: The Arcade Strikes Back
Once upon a time Adam Sandler was a comedic titan, releasing smash comedy hit after smash comedy hit. However of recent memory the untouchable comedic legend has fallen on very hard and demeaning times with almost every recent Adam Sandler film released being a frankly stupid mess of an entertainment piece, we’re all looking at you Grown Ups 2. So going into Pixels, even with its interesting premise that did more than intrigue my gamer heart, I was expecting another stupid movie full of wasted potential that put some of our most beloved licenses to very poor use. Thankfully though this movie is a pleasant surprise. The story for Pixels is a fun and inventive twist on the run of the mill alien invasion plots seen before. In 1982 NASA sent up a message to the stars, communicating to any intelligent life out there the culture and ways of earth. In this message was footage of the video games of the time, Pac-Man and so on. However when an alien race receive these images of video game ...