Star Trek Beyond BurtonReview: Oh My Captain, My Captain
(Image sourced from ) Space, the final frontier. We’ve followed the misadventures of various crews of various ships of the United Federation for 50 years now. And with this huge mile stone for the franchise comes a big explosive movie to celebrate legacy of the franchise, and to continue its voyage into even more perilous situations and mysterious lands. (Video sourced from ) The story of Star Trek Beyond takes place some years into the Star Ship Enterprises’ 5 year voyage through the unknown vastness of space. With such a long journey Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), is left feeling lost and wondering if what he is doing is the right fit for him, or if a change is needed. But before he can ponder on about his midlife crisis the Enterprise is attacked, leaving Kirk and the rest of his colourful crew stranded on a unknown world, chased by the villainous Krall (Idri...