
Showing posts from April, 2017

Star Wars Episode 8 The Last Jedi gets its first trailer at Star Wars Celebration 2017: What We Need is a Training Montage

(Image sourced from ) The Facts: In London, from April 13 th – 16 th , the O2 arena was bursting with new and exclusive Star Wars goodness. From Fans exceptional cosplay, to coffee tables based on the Sarlacc pit, and of course trailers for all the upcoming on-screen Star Wars goodness. But one trailer has left it’s ever iconic rebellious mark on the interwebs. (Video sourced from ) First shown at Star Wars celebration, and then released online on the 14 th of April, The Last Jedi’s first official teaser has garnered 30,575,583 views on the official Star Wars YouTube page. With 542,254 likes and 22,977 dislikes.   The eight episode in this space opera epic will follow on directly from the explosive events of 2015s nerd culture shaking re-emergence of Star Wars on the big screen; appropriately called The Force A...

Thor Ragnarok Trailer Released: Small Galaxy

(Image sourced from ) The Facts: Rounding off Marvel’s first year of releasing three big budget, bombastic, comic books come to life, will be Thor Ragnarok in November (After Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 later this month and Spider-Man: Homecoming on July 7 th ). So to remind people how colossal their slate is for this year, Marvel released a trailer for the third solo Thor film on April 10 th . (Video sourced from ) The trailer is currently sitting at 32,156,433 views on Marvel Entertainment’s official YouTube channel, and has 511,771 likes to 16,537 dislikes. The film, directed by Taika Waititi (what we do in the shadows), while technically is a Thor solo film, will see his ‘work college’ Hulk (Mark Ruffelo) make an appearance as Thor (Chris Hemsworth), imprisoned on a hostile world...

BurtonReviews Ghost in the Shell: Birthday Suit Action

(Image sourced from )   Oh anime. What a weird and wonderful thing that still, strangely, hasn’t truly pierced the mainstream. So, how do we rectify that? Make a big budget live action film starring one of Holly Wood’s most beautiful stars in one of the anime industry’s most successful and popular properties. Yeah, seems like a good start, if the film is any good that is. (Video sourced from )   The story of Ghost in the Shell follows Major (Scarlett Johansson), the first human who has been stripped down to nothing but her brain, with the rest of her body being completely made up of a cybernetic shell. With no memory of who she was in her past, Major of course joins a covert team of spies and soldiers to help protect this futuristic-cyber-punk existence from falling into augmented chaos. But when Major learns that she may not be the only one ...