BurtonReviews Kingsman The Golden Circle: Shaken, and Pumped Full of Speed

(Image sourced from https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/4485568/mark-strong-kingsman-the-golden-circle-elton-john-cameo/ ) Matthew Vaughn, the great kick starter of franchises. The man you go to when you want a stylish, action packed and compelling open to your movie franchise. He did it with the introduction of the new, younger X Men cast with First Class, he did it with a pop culture shocking result with the first Kick Ass film and its record for most goons killed by a katana wielding primary school kid with a fouler mouth than anyones inappropriate uncle, and he did it with Kingsman, the movie that cranked all the kooky tropes from spy movies of-old to 11 in a literal mind blowing spectacle. But while Mr Vaughn is an incredible director and surely could lead any one of these franchises to furious glory, he never sticks around for the sequels, why is th…what? He stuck around and is directing the sequel to Kingsman: The Golden Circle…well that ruins my intro abit doesn’...