BurtonReviews Justice League: The Justice We Deserve?

(Image sourced from https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/23/12263366/justice-league-photo-dc-comic-con-2016 ) After a more than rocky start to the DC Extended Universe (DCEU), 2017 has been shaping up to be the cinematic universe’s best yet. Rising from the critical ashes left in the aftermath of Batman Vs Superman ( BvS ) and Suicide Squad , this year’s empowering Wonder Woman received glowing reviews for the first super-heroine to get her own movie. Hoping to continue this hot-streak, DC is uniting their most iconic, speediest, and deep-voiced heroes to create a movie that fans have been begging to get for years. Don’t screw it up DC. But what foe warrants the uniting of the fearsome Batman of Gotham, the Amazonian demi-god Wonder Woman, the fastest man alive the Flash, the king of the sea Aquaman, and the half-man half-robot Cyborg? A humongous alien calling himself a “New God,” that’s what. (Video sourced from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cxixDgHUYw ) And when t...