The Star Wars Prequels: How I Would Have Done Them
To preface this special article I’d just like to say this isn’t my definitive, the only way I see it working, answer. There are most definitely other and better ways the prequels could be done than what I am about to lay out and what was done on screen. Speaking of the prequel Star Wars movies; I actually grew up loving them, being obsessed with the Phantom Menace from a young age and seeing each one I could in cinema. While looking back with more aged and critiquing eyes I can definitely see their faults but I would argue this: While the live action films did an awful job at creating the origins of one of the most powerful and terrifying presences in the galaxy far far away, making an unbelievable and creepy as hell romance between a mis-aged couple half comprised of an obsessive and whiny young Jedi; the prequels, in my opinion, do actually create a strong Jedi story. With badass lightsaber fights, great expanding of the mythology, a more mature subtext that is interesting to delve ...