The Top 5 Movies of 2016 IBRO [In BurtonReviews Opinion]
2016 is pretty much done. We came, we saw, in a lot of ways
we faltered, but in the end we conquered. And while what was happening out in
the real world wasn’t always the funniest or nicest thing, there was a heck of
an amount of entertainment for us to escape and loose ourselves in to remind us
everything is going to be okay, because if Ryan Reynolds can still smile after
becoming a living testicle, so can I. And with that comes list time once again.
What were the Top 5 movies that thrilled, amazed, and touched us the most? I
think I have an idea.
1. Captain America: Civil War
Did you expect anything different? Of course Captain
America: Civil War is at the top of my list. Simply put, it’s an almost perfect
comic book movie that had astounding visuals, intense action that never stopped
and boosted your heart rate ten-fold, real stakes that not only changed the
Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it, but also affected characters that we
have invested hours upon hours of time into and care deeply for. It had me
smiling, oooh-ing and ahhh-ing throughout and introduced us to maybe the best
representation of the best superhero of all time with Tom Holland’s portrayal
of Spider-Man. I could watch it another 100 times without getting bored and
have nothing but good to say about this true comic-book-nerd’s fantasy come
2. Hardcore Henry
Remember when you were a grossly inappropriate 14-year-old,
and your ideas for movies were nothing but kick ass, brutal and bloody action,
a good portion of swearing, drugs and strip clubs, as well as the beautiful damsel-in-
distress that is motivating these terrible, but motherf^£$*g cool, acts of violence
always being just out of reach? Well someone actually made a movie of that with
Hardcore Henry! The unique and innovative premise of the whole movie being in
first person was an inspired idea that made the movie not just your typical
action movie. The action is not only tremendous, but refreshingly portrayed by
the films perspective, the soundtrack is just as testosterone building, and the
plot is surprisingly well thought to make this world feel believably insane. A balls
to the wall thrill ride has me smiling whenever I think back to it.
3. Deadpool
Hilarious, Awesome, and loveable, that’s Deadpool. A film
we never thought we’d actually ever get, then to actually get it well made and
faithful to the merc with a mouth as its R rating let the film really embrace every
disgusting corner of how this red suited sociopath operates. With nothing
holding him back, Ryan Reynolds delivered a perfect performance of the
character that cemented why only Reynolds and his powerful charisma could pull
this off. Almost every comedic beat hits, its well-placed meta winks to the
audience, and well-choreographed cool action made for an amazing experience that
had my sides splitting and my jaw hurting from how much I was laughing.
4. Nocturnal Animals
While this Nocturnal Animals had a lot of problems,
being a film of three interchanging stories where one of the main story lines
had me bored and honestly annoyed at how pretentious it was, and an opening that
was just shock for shocks sake, all of those issues are overwritten by one man’s
incredible performance. Jake Gyllenhaal shows why he is one of the most
talented actors of our generation with this piece as in every scene he takes
your heart in the palm of his hands and makes you feel everything his character
is feeling. Whether he is charming the pants off everyone in the cinema, or
bringing the room to the verge of tears, Gyllenhaals performance was not only
the most powerful of the year, but from what I’ve seen, the best. And the story
his character is put through in the film is a justly well-paced and heart-breaking
tale that let everyone involved, from Michael Shannon’s determined cop, to
Aaron Taylor Johnson’s portrayal of the utter piece of s$%t Ray Marcus, stretch
their acting muscles and explore the darker side of humanity in a film that has
stuck with me ever since.
5. Batman Vs Superman
Yeah you read that right. I put 2016’s ugly duckling
Batman Vs Superman in my Top 5 movies of the year. Do you wanna know why? Because
I enjoyed the hell out of this movie damn it. As a huge fan of Superman, and
superheroes in general (if you couldn’t tell by now), this film was a blast. Sure
it had its problems. A lot of staging for the film, script wise and just how characters
were physically placed on screen were awkward and avoidable, and Jessie Hinesburg’s
portrayal of Lex Luthor, while a good villain, he should not have been called
Lex Luthor. But when a film has me smiling for the majority of its runtime, has
a mind-blowing action scene at the top of the film, and a nerdgasm inducing one
to round it off, and gives me goose-bumps
two times in the movie, and impresses me with its ambition. Then it belongs
on my list, if nothing else for the amazing soundtrack delivered by Hans Zimmer
that I am listening to right now while typing.
So there it is, and what a ride that was. From universally
agreed highs, to that last film that will definitely have most of you shouting
into your screen about how wrong and stupid I am, there are my Top 5 Movies of
this year, 2016. But as usual, 5 is just
too low of a number to cram all of my favourite experiences of the year in so I’d
like to shout out some that were literally about to be placed into that number
5 slot. Two films that inhabit the same type of experience are Star Trek:
Beyond and X Men: Apocalypse. I’m not even a fan of Star Trek, but Beyond had
me genuinely invested and amazed by the wide and just down right cool universe
of this film and in my mind is now the definition of solid fun. Then there’s X
Men Apocalypse. Another hated movie of this year that I genuinely enjoyed and
liked. Its villain was intimidating and really interesting to me and while its
first two acts seemed like more of the same good ol’ mutant fun, the final
battle of this film is a heart racing and epic showcase of the power that is
stored in the X Mansion, and was one of the coolest ends to a movie that I have
seen all year. Then changing gears abit is Hell or High Water. I’d heard
nothing but good things about this movie before seeing it, and the hype was
right. The setting of West Texas was so full of character that it effortlessly
gave in-depth context to the films plot, showing how good people are being forced
into a corner where there only way out may be the despicable thanks to the
economic climate and poor treatment they are being forced to undergo. This is a
side of Chris Pine you will have never seen and it just shows that this guy has
real acting chops, as do the rest of the cast in a film that had all my
attention from start to bitter end.
Now I pass it over to you, do you agree with my list? How
much do you hate the fact that I put BvS on this list? What are your favourite movies
of 2016? Voice your opinions in the comments below and of course, Happy New
Year everyone!
Why not check out my YouTube
channel, BurtonReviews, where I upload awesome gaming montages put to badass
songs or scores every Sunday. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.
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